Explosive Push-Up

Explosive Push-Up is an advanced variation of the classic push-up that challenges both strength and explosive power in the upper body. This exercise activates the pectorals , shoulders , triceps and core muscles , while improving explosive power and speed, making it ideal for athletes and those looking to increase their explosive strength.

Correct technique and execution

Follow these steps to correctly perform the Explosive Push-Up :

  1. Starting position: Start in a high plank position with your hands placed under your shoulders and your body in a straight line from head to heels.
  2. Lowering: Lower your body towards the ground by bending your elbows until your chest almost touches the floor.
  3. Explosive movement: Explosively press up from the ground, so that the hands lift off the ground. Land softly with your hands and repeat the movement.

Common errors

  • Bent hips: Avoid letting your hips drop down or stick up. Keep your body in a straight line.
  • Insufficient Power: To get maximum explosiveness, make sure to push hard off the ground with maximum power.
  • Movement too fast: Don't rush through the movement. Focus on control and precision.

Modifications and variations

For beginners: Start with regular push-ups or knee push-ups, and focus on building strength before adding the explosive movement. For advanced: Add claps between the hands during the jump or try plyometric variations such as medicine ball push-ups.

Reps and sets

Aim for 3 sets of 8-12 explosive repetitions. Adjust according to your strength level and endurance.

Breathing technique

Breathe in as you lower your body, and exhale forcefully as you explode off the ground.

Videos for technique

Here is a video showing the correct execution of the Explosive Push-Up:

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