Hanging Leg Raise

Hanging Leg Raise is an advanced exercise that mainly trains the core muscles , focusing on the lower abdominal muscles and hip flexors . This exercise strengthens the core and improves stability, while challenging the body's control.

Correct Execution and Technique

Follow these steps to perform a proper hanging leg raise :

  1. Grab a stable bar with an overhand grip and hang with straight arms and legs together.
  2. Engage the core muscles and avoid swinging the body.
  3. Exhale as you lift your legs in a controlled manner until they are parallel to the ground or higher.
  4. Hold briefly at the top before lowering your legs back to the starting position, inhaling.

Common Errors

To avoid injury and maximize the effect of the exercise, avoid these mistakes:

  • Using momentum: Use your core muscles and avoid swinging to lift your legs.
  • Bend your knees: Keep your legs straight to activate your abdominal muscles to the maximum.
  • Too high a pace: Perform the exercise slowly and controlled to avoid strain on the lower back.

Video: Hanging Leg Raise demonstrated by a female practitioner

Alternative technique for Hanging Leg Raise

Modifications and Variations

For beginners, try hanging knee raises , where you bend your knees instead of keeping your legs straight. Advanced athletes can try windshield wipers or weighted leg raises for a greater challenge.

Repetitions and Sets

Perform 3 sets of 10-15 repetitions , increasing the number of repetitions as your core gets stronger.

Breathing technique

Inhale as you lower your legs, and exhale as you lift them. This contributes to better stability and muscle control.

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