Side Leg Pull

Leg Pull Side is an advanced Pilates exercise that strengthens the core, shoulders and hip flexors. This exercise combines elements of the plank with side-lying leg raises to improve balance, stability and strength, particularly in the obliques and hip region.

Correct execution

How to perform the Leg Pull Side correctly:

  1. Start in a side plank position with your elbow placed directly under your shoulder and your feet stacked on top of each other.
  2. Lift your hips off the floor so that your body forms a straight line from head to feet.
  3. Hold this position and slowly lift the top leg without letting the hips sink.
  4. Lower the leg back in a controlled manner, and repeat before switching sides.

Common errors

To maximize the benefits, avoid these common mistakes:

  • Lowering hips: Keep the hips up and stable throughout the exercise to avoid strain on the lower back.
  • Rotation of the body: Avoid rotation at the hips and keep the body in a straight line for maximum muscle activation.

Video Demonstrations

Watch these videos to learn proper technique for the Leg Pull Side :

Modifications and variants

Adapt the exercise to your level:

  • Beginners: Perform the exercise with the knee on the floor for extra support and stability.
  • Advanced: Increase the intensity by holding the leg up longer or adding more repetitions.

Number of repetitions and sets

Perform Leg Pull Side for 2-3 sets of 10-12 repetitions per side. Increase the number as you get stronger.

Breathing technique

Breathe in when you prepare the leg lift, and breathe out when you lift the leg. Correct breathing helps to stabilize the core and maintain balance.

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